March 1900: Glasgow Samaritan Hospital – Annual Meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary Association – Promise of Surplus Proceeds from Performance of ‘Diplomacy’, by “The Players”, in April
An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald , on Tuesday the 27th of March, 1900, includes:
“GLASGOW SAMARITAN HOSPITAL.—The annual meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary Association
of the Glasgow Samaritan Hospital was held in the hospital yesterday. Dr Corbett presided, and
moved the adoption of the report, which was read by Mrs E. E. Anderson, the secretary. It was
considered very satisfactory, having regard to the large demands made at present on the public
purse in connection with the War Fund. The sum raised by the lady collectors was £1179 4s 11d,
and, through the kindness of ‘The Players’ Club,’ who have promised the surplus proceeds of their
performance of ‘Diplomacy’ early in April in aid of the hospital, it is expected that the above sum
will be considerably augmented.”
Please see the other entries on this site for “The Players” and Diplomacy.
George Fairfull-Smith, May 2022.