March 1907: Miss Agnes Bartholomew Presents “Mice and Men”, by Madeleine Lucette Ryley, in the Athenaeum Theatre, on Wednesday the 6th
An advertisement for the play is on page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 4th of March, 1907.
There is a short notice on page eleven of the Herald, on Thursday the 7th. It reads:
“An excellent representation of that charming and artistic comedy ‘Mice and Men’ was last night given by
Miss Agnes Bartholomew and company in the Athenaeum Theatre. The play, though simple in plot, demands
considerable histrionic ability in those who take part, and it says much for those who last night sustained the
various roles that the performance went off without a hitch. Miss Bartholomew is already well known in Glasgow
as an elocutionist of no mean ability, and as Peggy, the heroine of the play, she acted with that reticence and dainty
charm so essential to the part. In the unavoidable absence of Mr Cairncross the role of Mark Embury was
sustained by Mr Hogarth, who acted with much dignity. Mr Edward L. McRoberts as Captain Lovell was good.
The other parts were also well sustained. During the evening appropriate musical selections were given by an
Madeleine Lucette Ryley (1858-1934) was an English actress and playwright. Mice and Men, (1901, Manchester),
a romantic comedy in four acts, was performed on Broadway in 1903, and made as a silent film in 1916.
George Fairfull-Smith, November 2022.