March 1924: Amateur Comedy at Glasgow Athenaeum – Mr James Montgomery’s “Nothing but the Truth” – in Aid of the City of Glasgow Stall, in Connection with the Samaritan Hospital Bazaar
An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 18th of March, 1924, reads:
A performance of Mr James Montgomery’s comedy, ‘Nothing but the Truth,’ was given last
night in the hall of Glasgow Athenaeum in aid of the City of Glasgow Stall which is being
organised in connection with the Samaritan Hospital Bazaar. The comedy, which will be
repeated this evening on behalf of the same object, is produced under the direction of Mrs A.
Parry Gunn, who has enlisted the services of a most capable company of artists. All the humour
of the piece centres round the idea that in everyday life no one can possibly adhere strictly to the
truth. Not only are there certain necessary business lies, but even in social intercourse convention
either sanctions or demands those little falsehoods which are an ever-present help and without
which good fellowship would be impossible. In Mr Montgomery’s play one of the characters sets
out to tell nothing but unadulterated truth for 24 hours, and the predicaments into which he gets
both himself and his friends provide some very fine comedy. The leading part is filled by Mr John
Easton, and the other players are: – Misses E. Noel Moncrieff, Joan Gow, Edith Macindoe,
Dorothy Guthrie, Mona Mitchell, and Lilian Munro Ker; and Messrs Rupert Bethune, Gordon
Barr, A. Robertson Cross, and E. Rowley Orr. Incidental music is played by an orchestra arranged
by Madame Arundel.”
George Fairfull-Smith, March 2022.