Miss Grace Jean Crocker’s Dramatic and Musical Recital in Hillhead, in the Burgh Hall, on Tuesday the 23rd of November, 1897
A review of the recital was published on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 24th of November, 1897. It reads:
“In the Burgh Hall, Hillhead, last night a dramatic and musical recital was given by Miss Grace Jean Crocker, who had the assistance of Mrs Keatson and M. Albert Rieu, with W. J. C. Hirst as accompanist. Miss Crocker is a Bachelor of Oratory of the New England College of Oratory, Boston. She is an accomplished reader, and as she announces her intention to take professional engagements during the season, her introduction to the city must be regarded as a welcome addition to a class of entertainers of whom the number in our midst is somewhat limited. The reason for the comparative paucity of public readers among us is perhaps not far to seek. It is an extremely difficult branch of art, requiring for its adequate illustration not only diligent and cultured training but peculiar aptitude – a happy combination of the dramatic instinct with the gifts and graces of oratory. With all these Miss Crocker has been generously endowed, and the programme which she submitted last night showed how thoroughly she has cultivated all her resources. Her art is wide in its range, as was proved by the exquisite readings she gave of pieces ranging in the emotions upon which she played, from grave to gay, from lively to severe, and in every one of which she reached, without apparent effort, the hearts and the convictions of her audience. Her humorous contributions were rendered with delightful charm. Miss Crocker was frequently rewarded by hearty expressions of appreciation. The violin solos of M. Rieu and the vocal contributions of Mrs Keatson added interesting variety to a programme which throughout was characterised by taste and refinement. The recital was under the patronage of the Countess of Galloway, Lady Maxwell, and Lady McTaggart Stewart, and Miss Crocker was encouraged in her effort by a crowded and fashionable audience.”
An advertisement for the recital can be seen on page six of the Herald, on Monday the 22nd of November.
A search of google books provides some snippet views of references to Miss Crocker, and Albert Rieu, dating from the 1890s to early 1900s.